Your First Day of School (Or Making New Friends in Your New Retirement Community)

Published: August 13, 2018

Your First Day of School (Or Making New Friends in Your New Retirement Community)

You probably remember your first day of school—you might have been nervous about the idea of making new friends, especially if you had just moved to a new school. Moving to a new community, especially as an adult, can create much of that same anxiety because making friends as an adult, regardless of age, can be really tough.

So you’ve moved to a new retirement community (like Quail Run!) and want to get back in the social game… but where do you start?

Make the rounds

Once you’re settled in your new home (or even as you’re moving in), be sure to go for the easiest target… your neighbors! Introducing yourself to your neighbors is just one way to make connections after moving to a new community.

It’s easiest to make friends we are physically close to, like when we live next door to someone. Think about school—you probably made friends with the kids in your class because you were near them for most of your day, or you lived close to them as a child. Your neighborhood is a larger scale of that classroom.  Your immediate next-door neighbor is an excellent starting place for making new friends. Ever watch Home Improvement? Wilson makes an appearance in almost every episode (rest in peace, Earl Hindman)!

Image copyright American Broadcasting Company.

Use your connections

Once you’re in with your neighbor, so to speak, you can begin to branch out to the rest of the neighborhood through their connections, if you don’t feel quite bold enough to go knocking on more distant doors.

Ask your new friend to introduce you to some of their friends or ask what activities and hobbies they participate in—chances are they’re more than happy to get new people into their favorite clubs or groups. You don’t necessarily need to attend every event they go to, but it’s nice to know what’s going on, especially if you truly share some of the same interests.

Stick close to home

It pays off, in the long run, to center your activities around your community, at least to start. Having interests spread all over Washington State is a great conversation starter, but if you’re pursuing hobbies on the other side of town, it can be harder to form real connections within your community.

While having activities outside of your “home base” is totally fine, you might want to try sticking to local activities so you become a familiar face. If you’re religious, be sure to connect with your local place of worship—while attending your old faith community can be tempting, if you want new friends, you need to visit new places in your community.

Feel out your comfort zone

You’ll be best at making new connections when you’re comfortable and having a good time. While trying new experiences can be fun and exciting, if you’re spending the whole time not having fun, it can send off a very different vibe than if you were enjoying yourself. However, once you’ve made friends, going out for new experiences is way more fun!


Socializing in a new community can be intimidating, especially as an adult. But with a little bit of perseverance and a lot of baked goods, you may find that you’re the popular kid! Quail Run has a lot of activities going on year-round, so no matter when you move in, we’re ready to introduce you to your new community!